Lipari Residence
This Project is an addition/remodel of a single family house located in the neighborhood of Point Loma In San Diego CA. To stay within the budget the total addition under 500 sq. feet. The added new spaces consist on a new kitchen as well as a master bedroom and bathroom. The solution was to accommodate all the spacial requirements was to provide a long narrow kitchen with a big window directed towards the backyard framing an existing zen garden and a big oak tree. Next to the kitchen a new deck was added to expand the size of the kitchen by opening a long sliding door. This allows to expand the usable space of the house.
Lipari Residence is an example of in our how we take advantage of the limited space and maximize the use of light, ventilation and views.
CLIENT: Jason Lipari
YEAR: 2016 -2017
STATUS: Completed
PROGRAM: Residential Addition
DESIGN: Jesus F. Limon
Jose F. Garcia
STRUCTURAL: Dodd & Mossa Associates
INTERIOR DESIGN: Gretchen Kennelly